Blessed to Be a Blessing
Can you identify a time when you felt completely enraptured by the love of Jesus? When you felt His presence so strongly you wept or danced or raised your hands in praise? Have you ever knelt before Him in humble submission, perceived His joy welling up in your soul, or experienced a peace so profound it surpassed all understanding?
If your answer to that question is yes, then you are among the most blessed humans to ever walk on the surface of the earth. Blessed beyond measure. Blessed to be among those who have tasted and seen that He is good. Blessed to have been moved by His Holy Spirit. Blessed—not only for your own benefit—but also so you can be a blessing to others.
The stark reality is that many people don’t know that they are loved by Jesus. Some don’t know they are loved by anyone. Yet the pages of scripture assure us that they are!
Jesus wants people to know that He loves them. That He came down from heaven to join them. That He died on a cross to redeem them. That He rose from the grave to save them. And that He ascended into heaven to prepare a place for them—so they could be with Him always.
But how will they know unless someone tells them?
How can people have faith in the Lord and ask Him to save them,
if they have never heard about Him?
And how can they hear, unless someone tells them?
Romans 10:14 (CEV)
If you are among those who have been blessed by His love, don’t keep it to yourself. Share the good news and, by doing so, become a blessing to others.
Scriptures referenced: Psalm 63:4; Philippians 4:7; Psalm 34:8; Acts 20:35; John 15:9,12; John 6:51; Colossians 1:19-20; Ephesians 2:4-6; John 14:2; Romans 10:14-15; Isaiah 52:7